Building Healthy Relationships 2022

Building healthy relationships

February is often perceived as the month of love and Valentine’s day  celebrates the love relationships in our life. But relationships consists of more than the romantic relationships we usually associate the word ‘relationship’ with, instead when talking about the value of building emotionally healthy relationships, we should start to think about our everyday relationships. Are they indeed healthy? This article highlights some of the steps that you can take to better all your relationships.

Be a good listener

One of the first steps you can take to build positive meaningful relationships, is to show up in conversations by truly listening to what the other person is trying to communicate. Be genuinely present and aware of the interaction, do not interrupt the other person, listen to them, and try to understand their perspective.

Don’t jump to conclusions

As humans, we cannot help but to follow our own interpretations of someone else’s words, but before trying to disagree with someone, take a moment to reflect upon the person’s words and how it is affecting the situation. Ask yourself if you can understand from what viewpoint this person is coming from?

Honesty is key

You can only build another person’s trust by being honest and open in your communication. Honesty not only improves any relationship, but lays the foundation for lasting, healthy relationships. Avoid having to live a lie at all cost, it can only lead to confusion and disappointment.

Be open to change

If you want something to change, be the change that you want to see in the relationship. Conflict is not always a bad thing, but blaming the other person is dangerous, because it can lead to anger and resentment. When bringing up an issue with another person, always do it in a respectful manner.

Find common ground

It is so easy to fall into the trap of fixating on our differences with others but trying to find common ground can only improve our relationships. It is natural to not agree with everything a person is saying, we all come from different backgrounds, thus viewing things through different lenses, but this doesn’t mean that we cannot be amicable or understanding towards others.

Go the extra mile

Putting in the genuine effort to get to know someone else and building a healthy relationship, will make people want to be around you and can contribute to a lasting relationship. Going the extra mile for someone else is a simple principle, but the rewards will be lasting.

Check in with yourself

You cannot fully show up to a relationship if you haven’t taken the time to take care of yourself first. Self-reflection allows you to ask yourself what your needs truly are and how you will be able to achieve them. Being self-aware will also make you feel confident in the fact that your opinions are valid.

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