Every Family Is Unique 2022

Every family is unique

There are many types of families, and each family has its very own family dynamic. Gone are the days when nuclear families (mom, dad and one or more kids) are considered the norm. Fortunately, the ‘typical’ family is no longer a direct reflection of what it means to be part of a family, with our ever-shifting society, so is family life shifting for the better, to be more inclusive.

These days, different family types are not only common but also much more accepted than they were in the past. With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we saw billions of people confined to their homes worldwide, and that contributed to the fact that extended family households are the most common family structure globally.

Family does not mean related

If you feel that certain people in your life, who are not genetically related to you, can be considered as your family, then you have every right to think and say so.

The importance of inclusivity

It is important to understand different family structures, and to be aware that not every family structure will look the same as your family structure. Growing awareness of diverse family structures provides rich opportunities to celebrate family diversity.

Here are just some of many different family types and their unique family dynamics:

Extended Family

An extended family is a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives. Extended families can be very close to each other and can give each other a lot of support. That doesn’t mean that so many family members living together are always easy, though. There can be many differences of opinion in extended families.


A stepfamily is when two separate families merge into one. This can go several different ways, like two divorced parents with one or more children blending families, or one divorced parent with kids marrying someone who has never been married and has no kids.

Grandparent Family

The grandparent family is not as common as other family structures. A grandparent family is when one or more grandparent is raising their grandchild or grandchildren. While uncommon, according to Contemporary Social Science, grandparent-headed families are on the rise.

Childless Family

Childless families are families with couples who cannot have or don’t want kids. In the world of family types and dynamics, these families are often forgotten or left out. They could also be adventurous couples who don’t feel like kids would be a good fit for their lifestyle.

Single Parent Family

Single parent families consist of one parent with one or more kids. In these cases, the parent either never married, is widowed, or divorced. A paper by Katharine Hall & Winnie Sambu (2018) talks about how single-parent families have been on the rise in South Africa.

Nuclear Family

A nuclear family, also called elementary family, in sociology and anthropology, can be defined as a group of people who are united by ties of partnership or marriage and/or parenthood and usually consists of a pair of adults of the same or opposite sex and their own biological children or adopted or socially recognised children.


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