Trauma Management
Our Trauma debriefing and Trauma counselling promotes healing and recovering after a traumatic experience
Understanding Trauma and Loss
Trauma can be seen as a sudden, unexpected, severe event that is life or sanity-threatening (to self or other/s), it overwhelms the usual coping capacity. It can be caused by an actual or perceived event or it can be ongoing, chronic (e.g. abuse).
Examples of Trauma and Loss
Death of a loved one,
House breaking
Loss of health/limbs
Loss of income
Typical trauma symptoms
Changed Sleep and Eating patterns, Chronic tiredness, Skin rashes or outbreaks, Hair loss , Lowered immune system (prone to illness), Anxiety, Easily startled , Hyper-vigilance, Suspiciousness, Tearfulness, Sadness, Anger, Dissociation (emotional blunting), attempts to avoid thoughts, People, places associated with the trauma, Denial, Reduced concentration and focus, Mistakes, errors of judgement, Forgetfulness, memory/recall problems, Flashbacks - re-experiencing the event, Risk-aversion (reduced creativity, immobility) Depressed thinking (negative, pessimistic).
Trauma impacts relationships
Projected anger (verbal / physical abuse)
Loss of boundary control (inappropriate behaviours)
Generalised anxiety (mistrust, suspicion)
Alienation (social isolation or discomfort)
Compulsive, repetitive talking (can lead to irritation)
Sexuality (reduced or acted out e.g. affairs)
Impact of depressed, anxious post-trauma spouse/partner/colleague
Trauma impacts on life view
Changes ideas about life, world, people
Review of spiritual beliefs, values, choices
Desire to be with family, friends
Foreshortened sense of future
Changed priorities – work-family, career
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Recognised medical condition
Classified an Anxiety Disorder
A syndrome or cluster of observable symptoms or behaviours following exposure to trauma
Who is affected by PTSD?
The traumatised person
People who care about him/her
Those who want or need him/her to function effectively (employers, family)
People in person’s environment
Trauma debriefing and Trauma counselling
Trauma debriefing and trauma counselling is done by qualified professionals (Social workers, Psychologists, Health practitioners ).
Trauma debriefing must ideally be done 48-72 hours after the incident. After this period has lapsed we refer to the intervention as Trauma counselling.
Benefits of Trauma debriefing and Trauma counselling
Trauma debriefing and Trauma counselling promotes healing and recovering after the trauma, it provides containment, emotional support and usually diminishes the symptoms of trauma. It provides the victim/s with the opportunity to express and process difficult feelings (vs acting them out).
Furthermore it reduces risk of :
Depression, anxiety disorders
Medical illness
Impaired social relationships
Social isolation or acting out
Addictive behaviours
Recovery from trauma
Recovery is gradual, can be inferred:
Reduced trauma symptoms
Growing sense of self-mastery
More stable moods
Recovery of realistic sense of self/others
Increased motivation, libido, energy
For many, spiritual & personal growth and a heightened appreciation of life