How do you deal with conflict? 2022

How do you deal with Conflict?

 Conflict is a natural part of life, and as uncomfortable as it may seem, it is unavoidable. You can experience conflict in any type of relationship or brief encounter that you may have. Knowing how to deal with these unexpected or expected moments of conflict can only be beneficial for your emotional wellness.

Common causes of conflict

In the workplace you may experience conflict with a co-worker or as part of a team. These arguments can be made less daunting if you try to understand the possible cause of the disagreement, which can include:

·         Not being aware of the other person’s viewpoint

·         A co-worker believing that their way is the only way

·         Someone feeling that their boundaries are not being respected

·         A lack of trust

·         Someone not putting in the necessary effort to better a work team

·         Taking constructive criticism personally

The interactions you have in your personal life, be it with family, friends, or a partner, can really seem challenging when conflict arises. But finding assurance in the fact that every dispute has an origin, can make you feel more confident when going into the discussion. Conflict in your personal relationships may arise from the following:

·         Unresolved conflict

·         Not taking the time to self-reflect on what your stance is regarding the argument at hand

·         Having unrealistic expectations of another person

·         Constantly breaking each other down, instead of wanting to learn and grow

Here are some practical tips to better handle conflict:

Make use of open communication

Being honest and to the point, is respectful to the other person and will more likely create room for a mutual solution. Using open communication will also make people want to engage in the problem at hand and make them more aware of the consequences of their actions or words. Using this method of communication will ensure that there is no misunderstandings, which can lead to even more conflict.

Resolve previous issues before moving to the next

You may think that you have patched things up and moved on, but another fight might just be lurking around the corner. Going back and trying to solve a problem that was avoided or left in the air, before addressing the current problem, will give you and the other person an opportunity to find a solution, not just for the past, but for the present moment as well.

Give your full attention

When we are in a disagreement, it is so easy to get caught up in our own thoughts and trying to juggle our own opinions and the other person’s words, can result in us not being fully in tune with the other person. If you catch yourself doing this, try to pause for a moment and become fully aware of what the other person is saying.

It is not a power struggle

Ask yourself if it’s more important to be correct in this moment, or is it maybe healthier to build on the strength of a relationship over time? When we are experiencing conflict with another person, it may seem like the easiest solution to argue that we are correct but remember that you and the other person are in a relationship.

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