Men's Month 2023

November is Men's Month, a time of the year when we focus on men and how we can improve mental health issues in men. This month is all about raising awareness and encouraging men to take care of themselves.

The International Men’s Health 2023 theme is Healthy Men, Healthy World and will help shine a spotlight on the general wellness of men and boys with the help of four sub-themes:

·        Take action

·        Stay healthy

·        Check in on a mate

·        Improve male health together


Common Mental Health Issues in Men

Men might not talk about their emotions nearly enough, which could lead to mental health conditions manifesting as aggression, high-risk activities, substance abuse, physical health issues, feelings of restlessness and difficulty focusing, appetite and weight changes, fatigue and obsessive thinking.


•     Feeling tense, nervous or unable to relax

•     Having a sense of dread, fearing the worst

•     Feeling like the world is speeding up or slowing down

•     Depersonalisation or derealisation


•     Persistent feelings of hopelessness

•     Feeling fatigued or tired constantly

•     Sleep disturbances and physical ailments

•     Receiving little pleasure from activities previously enjoyed

Substance use Disorder:

•     Feeling that you have to use a substance regularly

•     Having intense urges for the substance that block out any other thoughts

•     Spending money on addictive substances, even though you can't afford it

•     Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop taking the substance

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

•        Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event

•        Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event

•        Negative changes in thinking and mood

•        Feeling emotionally numb

•        Always being on guard for danger

•        Irritability or aggressive behavior

Taking care of your mental health

Many people might think you can only care for and improve your mental health by going to therapy or counselling. While these are some of the most effective methods, there are steps that you can take on a daily or weekly basis that can positively impact your mental health:

1.     Adopting an upright posture

2.     Practice positive thinking

3.     Take a walk in nature

4.     Hug someone

5.     Spend time with your furry friend

6. Exercise

7.     Get enough sleep

8.     Keep a gratitude journal

Along with the above, spending time to improve your emotional literacy, developing healthy coping mechanisms and ensuring you have a strong support network of friends and family is vital.

Taking care of your Physical Health

Your physical health isn't just about how many push-ups you can do, but also doing screenings throughout your life to ensure you know what is happening inside and out.

The Importance of a Strong Male Role Model

The influence of a significant male role model starts in early childhood. Having a strong figure for support and guidance increases our ability to form trusting relationships and builds our capacity to interact positively with others. It’s also important to learn that love, empathy and compassion are human values and emotions that transcend gender.

Prevention and Treatment of Common Health Issues in Men

Understanding what affects your physical and mental health can help you take proactive steps to manage it, leading to improved well-being and overall vitality.

If you are experiencing any symptoms mentioned in this article and it is interfering with your everyday school or work life, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Resources / Read more: month#:~:text=Men's%20Health%20Month%20in%20the,as%20well%20as%20prostate%20cancer men#:~:text=Men%20are%20more%20likely%20to,and%20lack%20of%20regular%20checkups.

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