December Recommendations 2022

Beat The Holiday Blues: Our Recommendations for the Festive Season.

 With the festive season fast approaching. We have a few recommendations for you to help you make the most of it!


Holiday Blues Can Hit Kids Too, Here’s How To Help Them Cope. By Jacoba Urist

 The weeks leading up to the Festive Season can be quite magical for a child, with all the holiday celebrations and family memories. For some, it is also a time that can bring feelings of disappointment, sadness and loss.  Parents may not always know how to help their kids deal with holiday stress.

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What are the Holiday Blues?  by Kendra Cherry

The Holiday Blues are feelings of sadness that last throughout the holiday season—especially during the months of November and December and is often also referred to as “holiday depression”.

The holidays are usually viewed as a time of happiness and rejoicing, but for some people, it can be a period of painful reflection, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Even people who adore the holidays can experience the blues during this busy season. The holidays are often a time of high emotion and demands, which can leave a lot of people feeling stressed and exhausted.

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As we are entering the Festive Season. We so often find ourselves looking for activities to do, places to visit and crafts to enjoy in the hope that it will bring us all closer together.

Have a look at this:


DIY Science projects for you and your kids by The DadLab

Exciting DIY science projects to fill your kids’ days with excitement and it will also teach them valuable lessons!

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No More Holiday Blues: Uplifting Advice for Capturing the True Spirit of the Festive Season

Dr Wayne W. Dyer shows readers how to recapture the true spirit of the festive season and the new years, offering specific ideas for overcoming self-defeating attitudes, rekindling childhood excitement, and making holidays experiences of joy.

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Holiday Depression by  Patricia A. Carlisle

The holiday season often brings unwelcome guests, stress and depression. And it’s no wonder. The holidays present a dizzying array of demands – parties, shopping, baking, cleaning and entertaining, to name just a few. Feeling down during the holidays can be tough, especially since you seem so out of step with the world. Everyone else seems to be beaming, rosy-cheeked, bursting with holiday spirit. You’re feeling wretched and exhausted.

Holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, but for many people they are anything but. Depression may occur at any time of the year, but the stress and anxiety of the holiday season especially during the months of November and December (and to a lesser extent, just before Valentine’s Day) may cause even those who are usually content, to experience loneliness and a lack of fulfilment.

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Tips To Beat Holiday Depression by the Mayo Clinic Minute

The holiday season can invite unwelcome guests into your life, such as loneliness, money problems, family demands and unrealistic expectations. The stress and anxiety that accompany those issues can lead to sadness and depression. But Debbie Fuehrer, a clinical counsellor at Mayo Clinic, has some tips to take back your holiday happiness. More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network.

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Ask The Experts: Holiday Depression  by the UTSWMed

Why is depression so common during the holiday season and what can we do to cope? Watch this Facebook Live chat with psychologist Jennifer Hughes, Ph.D., M.P.H., to learn how to better handle the stress of the holiday season.

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Understanding Holiday Depression by CHI St. Vincent

While the holiday season often brings excitement, joy and a time to relax with friends and family for many people, it can also lead to mood swings and feelings of depression for others. From the stress and fatigue of last-minute shopping to the anxiety of extended family visits, the holiday season presents a few different challenges. Patients suffering from holiday depression often ignore or fail to identify the symptoms, so it’s important to recognize and understand the signs, particularly during seasons of increased stress and anxiety.

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10 Fun Things To Do At Home by Ryan’s World

Ryan's World shows us fun activities to do together as a family!­

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