Men and mental health 2021

Men’s mental health – common challenges

Due to a number of factors including social norms, upbringing and the role models we are presented with, some men’s mental health issues have gone unrecognised for a long time.

Through common phrases we hear like ‘chin up’, ‘pull your socks up’ and the like, we’ve been taught that many ‘head issues’ are nothing to worry about and should be dismissed. There is a growing recognition that mental health concerns are in fact serious issues and the culture of dismissal is a dangerous approach, but many men are still not aware of some of the most common indicators that there’s a problem that should be dealt with before it grows into something bigger. So how can you tell if you have an issue that you should consider seeking help with? 


Some common men’s mental health issues


Many of us have been there, but few recognise just how serious isolation and loneliness can be. Now more commonly referred to as ‘social isolation’, loneliness in its more severe forms is now seen as a contributor to many social ills including violence, suicide and substance abuse.

It’s chiefly a feeling of sadness about being alone but can also happen when you’re surrounded by people. Its primarily a feeling of lack of connection to the world around you, like you don’t belong, and no-one understands you.


Stress is a feeling of being under pressure and overwhelmed. Stress is experienced when there is an imbalance between what’s being asked of us and our ability to deliver or cope with the demands. This causes discomfort and distress and can lead to other men’s mental health problems including anxiety and depression. Although most commonly associated with working life, stress can be triggered by any number of situations including at home, social situations and on the sporting field.

In manageable doses, stress can be a good thing as it can play a key role in driving us to achieve our goals. Problems arise when someone feels unable to meet expectations and their coping abilities to deal with the pressure are challenged.


Depression is an intense feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time, sometimes weeks, months or years. These feelings can interfere with daily life, wellbeing and physical health.


The most common men’s mental health issue is anxiety. Anxiety is a consistent state of extreme worry or fear about perceived threats, that is usually out of proportion to the reality of the situation. Anxiety is ongoing and

can happen without any particular reason or cause.

Although many people tend to dismiss anxiety as just being worried or nervous, it is a serious condition and can be a crippling experience that gets in the way of living our lives. It can have major impacts on both mental and physical health.


The good news about men’s mental health

Most common men’s mental health issues can be successfully treated and there’s heaps of great information out there about different strategies and techniques that can help. Everyone struggles at times, the key is to reach out for help as early as possible to increase the chances of a faster recovery. It often helps to have a chat with a friend or a family member, but there’s also the option to speak with a professional if you think you need more specific help.

Large scale crises don’t only affect those directly involved. In the case of the COVID-19 virus or any other major public health concern, many people may experience anxiety, worry, or stress, as we are dealing with the unknown, and with implications that are out of our control. However, it’s important to remember that these feelings can be managed and that paying attention to your mental health will not only help you to cope during the difficult times, but also to build a strong foundation for the future.


Why it’s important to address your worries

Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on your health, both in the short and long term, including contributing to high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity, and more severe anxiety and mental health problems.


Men’s mental health treatment

If someone shares their mental health struggles with you, the next step often is finding them mental health help.

Only healthcare professionals can make a mental health diagnosis. If you are not sure where to start, schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor.

Treatment can come in many different forms, counselling (talk therapy), medication, alternative approaches (like acupuncture, meditation, etc.) or a combination of different treatments simultaneously.

Finding the right person to talk to may help you in emotional, behavioural, and spiritual ways. Scheduling time with a mental health professional (like a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker) may help you understand why you might be experiencing mental health issues. Not only can healthcare professionals help you get to the root cause, but they can also teach you different, more healthy ways to think about your life.

Talking to others who understand and empathize with you about what you are going through may help. Support groups can provide an outlet to share and learn from others who may be experiencing the same mental health condition.

Why men are less likely to seek mental health advice

Even with caring support systems, men may still need professional help when dealing with mental health conditions. And, often, the first step in getting help is acknowledging you need help.


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