Be Kind and Caring 2021

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What is kindness?

Kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate to others and yourself. Being kind often requires courage and strength, as it involves the willingness to celebrate and give attention to someone else. It is also about giving honest feedback when doing so is helpful to the other person. Moreover, kindness includes acting and speaking in a compassionate way to others and yourself. You can be kind and still have boundaries. It is not a replacement for avoiding difficult conversations or standing up for yourself. Just be kind when you are in those situations.

The benefits of kindness

  • Brings you happiness

  • Brings happiness to others

  • Improves relationships

  • Enhances mental and emotional well-being

  • Releases feel-good hormones

  • Eases anxiety

  • Reduces stress

  • Is good for your heart

  • Can help you live longer

  • Can prevent illness

Kindness is contagious

Kindness is absolutely contagious! By being friendly and heart-warming, you are not just helping others but can also expect the same in return. Moreover, many hearts around you will definitely melt  and drive towards great acts.  So stand up and be kind.

If you think:  “Why should I be kind to the world?”  then know that:

  • Kindness is beautiful

  • You receive kindness in return

  • You are taking the right step to make the world a better place

  • You will feel better within

What is caring?

The definition of caring is someone or something that shows concern for others. A person who is concerned about others and who does kind things for them is an example of someone who would be described as caring.

Reasons why caring is a strength

You can build a support system

It has almost become a badge of honour to say you don’t “need” someone. Of course, it’s true that nobody needs someone. Nobody needs to have a friend or a significant other – but it does improve life in multiple ways.

We all find ourselves going through a tough time every now and then. Maybe you’ve lost a job or ended a relationship. Maybe you’ve gotten sick, or maybe you’ve even lost someone you care about. Regardless of how big or small your challenge is, it’s hugely helpful to have people you’re close to in your corner.

This will allow you to borrow strength from them during hard times and more easily find your way back to happiness.

It gives you the ability to help others

Donating to a charity and helping those in need or starting a fundraiser for a cause you’re passionate about, is only a few examples on how you can be helping others.  

It allows you to learn about yourself

When you care for other people, the experience becomes internal as well as external. If we aim to have self-awareness, what we love (or don’t love) about another will open our eyes to what we love (or don’t love) about ourselves as well.

It allows you to learn about others

One of the things that makes life so interesting is the vast diversity of people on our planet. Each one of us has a unique background, upbringing, thought process, and outlook. What an amazing opportunity it is to be able to tap into any mind on the planet simply by having a conversation and asking questions.

You will be happier

Emotional connections with others make us more fulfilled and help us lead more complete lives. Shutting out this possibility may eliminate risk of being hurt, but it is also eliminating the possibility of finding happiness with another.

One of the best things we can feel is the love from someone else and their genuine caring for our well-being. You have the power and ability to give this gift to someone, just by caring about them and it will make them happier as well.

It is true, Relationships end. Movies end. Books end. Nice dinners end. Does that mean none of them are worth experiencing? In fact, it’s just the opposite, these are the things that make life worth living. The fact that things end is what gives them meaning. This is what makes experiences special, to enjoy and cherish them while they last.

We care.