Understanding Burn-out 2022

The World Health Organization defines burn-out as “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress.”

But we can expand the definition beyond work. People can experience stress in all areas of their lives – not just work. And if stress is sustained for a long time, individuals may experience signs of burn-out.

Burn-out occurs when a person has been in “fight or flight” mode for too long. Their veins flood with stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These causes wear and tear on the body, increasing the risk of physical and mental health conditions.

The mental health symptoms of burn-out include:

·         Lack of energy and exhaustion

·         Sense of failure and self-doubt

·         Feeling alone in the world

·         Loss of motivation

·         Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

Physical health symptoms of burnout include:

·         Insomnia

·         Blood clots

·         Metabolic changes

·         Lowered immune system

·         Heart disease

·         High blood pressure

·         Diabetes

·         Cancer

What are the Symptoms of Burn-out?

Above all, it is important to note that stress and burn-out are heavily related. According to Tania Diggory in an article from Medical News Today, “High volumes of stress over a long period can lead to exhaustion and, therefore, burn-out.” Burn-out can lead to many unhealthy behaviours and a considerable amount of stress. There are many signs of burn-out that one can exhibit. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, it is highly recommended you take steps to defeat burn-out.


The world is a fast-moving place that can be incredibly taxing and emotionally draining. According to an article from the Mayo Clinic, having a heavy workload can lead to exhaustion, thus causing burn-out. Exhaustion can make you feel like you have no more stamina left, or your creativity tank is running on empty.

Isolating yourself due to high stress

Feelings of detachment are another symptom of burn-out. You might be unintentionally isolating yourself from other people, even if they are people that you love. Isolation is a common symptom, but it can also be a reason for the development of burn-out. As harsh as it sounds, you might be ignoring those around you because you feel too overwhelmed and too anxious to socialise with them.

Never feeling satisfied or happy with your work

If you are constantly reaching and reaching for status or a level of perfection that does not exist, you will be left with feelings of dissatisfaction. Never being satisfied is generally coupled with never feeling good enough or worthy. If you do not feel worthy of being where you are, how can you even work?

Most people tend to hold themselves to higher standards than they hold other people.

Struggling to get by each day

Another common symptom of burn-out is struggling to get by each day. Feeling so overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out to finish your day could be a sign of burn-out. These feelings indicate you are in survival mode. Are you putting on tunnel vision to get from point A to point B?

Using physical things to mask your feelings

Sometimes when you are feeling down, you might try to mask your feelings by taking comfort in material things. Whether it be a shopping habit or an addiction to something, it might be something that you are unintentionally using to distract yourself from your feelings. It is like putting on Band-Aid on the exhaustion or burnt-out emotions that you have stirring inside. But is it helping?

Too much is on your plate

You might feel ready to throw in the towel because you have too much on your plate. Have you overcommitted yourself, or have you been given more than you can complete on time? Maybe you feel behind schedule or not up to par. It is important to stay in touch with your expectations and other people’s expectations for you.

Hesitancy to rely on others or ask for help

You might feel hesitant to ask others for help because you don’t want them to experience stress for the same reason. The last thing you want to do is to make others feel as stressed as you do. So, you might resist asking for help, or you might keep your stress locked up inside and it might be eating at you silently.

Preventing and addressing burn-out requires taking a step in the right direction. We can help.

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Read more:

Job burnout: How to spot it and take action (mayoclinic.org)

Burnout: Facing the damage of ‘chronic workplace stress’ (medicalnewstoday.com)

Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon” (who.int)

Majority of workers who quit a job in 2021 cite low pay, no opportunities for advancement, feeling disrespected (pewresearch.org)

Feeling overworked? Spot the symptoms and take charge (betterup.com)