
Mother’s Day is not only a time to celebrate moms, it’s also steeped with tradition and amazingly fun facts. Check out our 20 fun facts about Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is steeped in tradition. Although, we may view it as “just another Hallmark Holiday” it is one of those days that we should all stop and take notice of the special woman or women in our lives that have been there for us through thick and thin. If you are a mom or have a special lady in your life, read on to discover 20 fun facts about Mother’s Day that you can use to wow and delight her – she will think you are so clever!

·         1 Historical Mother’s Day Facts

·         2 Mother’s Day Flowers

·         3 Fun Mother’s Day Facts

·         4 Strange But True Mother’s Day Facts

Historical Mother’s Day Facts

1) In Greek mythology spring festivals were held in honor of the maternal goddess called, Rhea. She was the wife of Cronus and was believed to be the mother of many deities.

2) In 250 B.C. ancient Romans celebrated a spring festival called, Hilaria. This was dedicated to a mother goddess named, Cybele, on the Ides of March. Her followers would make offerings at the temple, hold parades, play games and also have masquerades. It lasted three days.

3) In the 1600’s England, Mothering Sunday took place on the 4th Sunday of Lent. It began with a prayer service in honor of the Virgin Mary. Afterwards children would present their moms with flowers.

4) In 1870 a female activist, writer and poet by the name of Julia Ward (she wrote the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) suggested a day of peace and strongly advocated other women to stand up against the war. From this plea she was able to get Boston to recognize mothers on the second Sunday of June.

5) Anna Jarvis was also a woman that may have been behind our traditional Mother’s Day celebration on the second Sunday of May. Anna never had any children, but wanted to carry out her own mother’s wishes of having a day just for moms. Anna tirelessly campaigned and on May 8th, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.


Mother’s Day Flowers

6) Mother’s Day sees around one quarter of all flowers purchased throughout the year falling on this holiday.

7) Carnations are very popular flowers for Mother’s Day and are thought to be made from the tears of Jesus’ mother (Mary) when she wept at his feet the day He was crucified.

8) Pink and red carnations are given to mother’s that are still alive, while white ones are for those that have passed away.

9) Studies and research now show that giving a bouquet of flowers has many positive health and psychological benefits.

Fun Mother’s Day Facts

10) In the vast majority of the world’s languages, the word for “mother” begins with the letter M.

11) Ancient Egyptians believed cats were sacred animals and revered ‘Bast’ as the mother of all cats on Earth.

12) In the United States alone, around 122 million phone calls are made to moms on Mother’s Day.

13) Approximately $14 billion dollars is spent on Mother’s Day.

14) What are you getting your mother this Mother’s Day? Common gifts include: cards, flowers, meals in restaurants, jewelry, gift cards, clothing, trips to a spa, books, CDs, housewares and even gardening tools.

15) In what was formerly Yugoslavia, children would tie up their mother on Mother’s Day. The only way she could get free would be to pay her children with treats.


Strange But True Mother’s Day Facts

16) In 1939 in Lima, Peru, the youngest mother on record delivered a baby boy by C-section. She was only 5 years-old and the baby was raised as her brother.

17) On the flip-side, the oldest woman to deliver a baby was recorded on April 9, 2003. Her name is, Satyabhama Mahapatra, and is a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher in India. She gave birth to a baby boy, which was her first child after 50 years of marriage. However, the eggs were donated by her 26 year-old niece.

18) Before Octomom (Nadya Suleman) Bobbie McCaughey had septuplets – four boys and three girls – on November 19, 1997. The babies were born via C-section after 31 weeks.

19) The shortest span between two babies is by mom, Jayne Bleackley. She gave birth to her son on September 3, 1999. Then only 208 days later gave birth to her daughter (on March 30, 2000).

20) Elizabeth Ann Buttle gives a whole new meaning to second family. She gave birth to her first child (a girl) May 19,1956. Then when she was 60 years-old, she gave birth to her son on November 20, 1997, making the babies 41 years 185 days apart.