Freedom Day 2020

Freedom Day Poster 2020.jpg

Freedom Day is the commemoration of the first democratic elections held in South Africa on 27 April 1994.  These were the first post-apartheid national elections to be held in South Africa where anyone could vote regardless of race.

The first democratic elections on 27 April 1994 gave birth to our constitutional democracy. For the majority of South Africans who had never voted before, their dignity was restored and the country transformed to a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society.

Prior to this, during apartheid, racial segregation which was enforced by the National Party prevented any kind of inter-racial activity. South Africa is the country it is today because of their countless sacrifices and that of many other South Africans who fought tirelessly to overcome the brutal apartheid system

Now, more than ever we need to show support to our loved ones / neighbours / fellow South Africans and focus on the strength of our connection, even if we cannot physically see or visit each other.

We are here to support you and your Family in this difficult time and during your stay at home period.  We will continue to provide counselling via digital platforms (E.g. Skype, WhatsApp video, Zoom) as well as Telephone counselling. 

Stay safe

For Professional Confidential Counselling, Training and Life Skill Programmes contact PROCARE

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