Men and Mental Health 2021

Men’s mental health – common challenges

Due to a number of factors including social norms, upbringing and the role models we are presented with, some men’s mental health issues have gone unrecognised for a long time.

Through common phrases we hear like ‘chin up’, ‘pull your socks up’ and the like, we’ve been taught that many ‘head issues’ are nothing to worry about and should be dismissed. There is a growing recognition that mental health concerns are in fact serious issues and the culture of dismissal is a dangerous approach, but many men are still not aware of some of the most common indicators that there’s a problem that should be dealt with before it grows into something bigger. So how can you tell if you have an issue that you should consider seeking help with?


The good news about men’s mental health

Most common men’s mental health issues can be successfully treated and there’s heaps of great information out there about different strategies and techniques that can help. Everyone struggles at times, the key is to reach out for help as early as possible to increase the chances of a faster recovery. It often helps to have a chat with a friend or a family member, but there’s also the option to speak with a professional if you think you need more specific help.

Why it’s important to address your worries

Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on your health, both in the short and long term, including contributing to high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity, and more severe anxiety and mental health problems.


Why Men are Less Likely to Seek Mental Health Advice

Even with caring support systems, men may still need professional help when dealing with mental health conditions. And, often, the first step in getting help is acknowledging you need help.


We can help