Goodwill means - Helping each other 2021

Mandela Month inspires Goodwill

This month is all about helping people maintain a healthy and active life and giving one’s time and resources to assist those in our society who are in the greatest need. No one expected COVID-19 to be around this long. It has taken a toll on everyone, whether directly or indirectly, and it has affected our daily lives for more than a year now. Under all this stress, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated, which in turn can affect everyone around you. Helping each other with acts of goodwill or words of encouragement can make a real difference, especially now that the third wave of Covid 19 has started to take its toll on our physical and mental resources.

The spirit that lies at the heart of such words and actions will no doubt capture the attention of the people around us and will hopefully also inspire them to commit themselves to performing similar acts of goodwill.

As the ultimate, selfless public servant, Madiba declared: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” 


How to Help Others

Even in the toughest of times, you can help people and give them support through your actions. Whether it’s a death in the family, a sudden loss of a job or helping an ill loved one, you can show support to those in need by giving your time, helping connect them with the right resources and showing simple human kindness.

Most people feel the need to help others when they can. It’s one of the things that binds us all and makes us human. We all know the health of a community means looking after the wellbeing of everyone. 


Tips to Help Others During the Coronavirus Pandemic

We all share a common deep desire to help and support others, be they family members, members of our community, or fellow humans across the globe. We understand that for most (if not all) of us, the novel coronavirus feels uncertain and scary. But in spite of those feelings, many of us have still been moved to ask, “How can I help?”

 1. Check on your neighbours
2. Explore ways to connect and volunteer virtually
3. Make a donation
4. Be a leader
5. Remember those who are still out there on the front lines


Take care of yourself!

As they say, secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. In other words, self-care is incredibly important at a time like this, and ensuring that you’re making safe and smart choices is a civic duty of the utmost importance. So, for some, doing your part will simply mean taking care of yourself. And that’s okay!


We are here for you