Staying strong during challenging times 2021

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The current unrest in our country with looters storming shopping malls and taking what they can, while leaving a trail of destruction behind them, has added to the tremendous stress and anxiety South Africans are experiencing in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Staying strong during challenging times

It’s hard to be positive and optimistic when you’re lost in the murky waters of negative thinking.

No one expected COVID-19 to be around this long. It has taken a toll on everyone, whether directly or indirectly, and it has affected our daily lives for more than a year now. On top of this, we are now also faced with an extremely unsettling situation in our country and many are confronted with serious challenges in terms of food security, job losses and devastating surroundings.   

Under all this stress, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated, which in turn can affect everyone around you. No one wants to struggle with the uncertainty that the current situation presents but embracing a positive attitude can have real benefits.  

Mental health plays a major role in the attitude and wellbeing of everyone. Keeping positive for a brighter future is one of the many tools we can use to overcome anything we go through.

Building emotional resilience

Emotional intelligence is often defined as reacting well and strategically to bad experiences and stressful situations. When these instances occur our emotions may go into meltdown. But it is not just there for extreme circumstances, good resilience helps you deal with approaching those days where nothing seems to go right.

Here are some helpful steps to take:

Step 1: Ask yourself the right questions

Step 2: Create a positive environment to live in

Step 3: Practice gratitude

Step 4: Don’t forget about your physical self

Step 5: Start your day in an optimistic way

Step 6: Focus on solutions

Step 7: Reduce your worries

Step 8:  Don’t let ideals ruin things

Step 9: Do not give up


When to Seek Help

If you are finding it difficult to think positively and instead feel like negative thoughts or emotions are taking over your life, you should talk to a social worker/therapist/psychologist. Negative emotions that are causing distress or interfering with your ability to function normally may be a sign of a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.

A mental health professional can evaluate your symptoms and recommend treatments that can help. Professional counselling can address symptoms and improve your ability to think more positively.

We can help