Burn-out Awareness Month Recommendations 2022

With burn-out at all-time highs, at PROCARE we are serious about helping you to tackle it effectively. Here are some helpful recommendations for you to read.  We are here to support you with Stress and Burn-out management, contact us for a professional consultation.

How burnout makes us less creative - The Way We Work, a TED series by TED

Our obsession with productivity is making us less productive, says digital anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush. According to Harfoush knowledge workers are expected to be both productive and creative. In this TEDTalk she explains why we need to redesign our workday around creativity – not just efficiency.

Watch here.

How to Deal with Burnout by Psych2go

Burn-out isn’t just exhaustion. This video shows how to deal with it. In 2019, the World Health Organisation brought some attention to the issue by defining burn-out as a syndrome associated with chronic stress at work that goes unmanaged.

Watch here.

How to Avoid Burnout by Nathaniel Drew  

Stress is a fact of professional life, but extreme and unrelenting pressures can lead to the debilitating state we call burn-out. Three symptoms characterise burn-out: exhaustion, cynicism, or distancing oneself from work and inefficacy

Watch here.

7 Stages of Burnout by Psych2go

How to spot burn-out and take action. Feeling burnt-out at work? Find out what you can do when your job affects your health. To handle job burn-out, try to take action. To get started, you can evaluate your options.

Watch here.

Understanding Stress and Burnout – Health and Wellness Training Video by ej4

Stress – just the word may be enough to set your nerves on edge. Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Some people may cope with stress more effectively or recover from stressful events quicker than others. Unremitting stress can lead to a state of burn-out.

Watch here.

Occupational Burnout: When Work Becomes Overwhelming by Scishow Psych

If your burnt-out from caregiving or parenting, it’s not necessarily an option to leave that role. Even just a few moments in your day for yourself can help. Once burn-out sets in, it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Watch here.


It feels like we’re in an era of burn-out. In the last decade, the world has only become more stressful with the rise of social media and the amplification of our “always-on” culture. And with Covid in the mix too, it’s been a recipe for sheer exhaustion. Do you want to read a good book about burn-out? In this recommended list you will find our top 3 best books about burn-out.

Why we sleep by Matthew Walker

Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore and reenergise. Walker’s research suggests that sleep contributes to memory function by converting short-term memories into long-term memories

Read it here.

Burn-out: The High Cost of High Achievement by Geraldine Richelson and Herbert Freudenberger

The clinical concept which Freudenberger termed “burn-out” was originally developed from his work with the free clinics and through therapeutic communities. Freudenberger defined burn-out to be a “state of mental exhaustion caused by one’s professional life”.

Read it here.

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Amelia Nagoski and Emily Nagoski

When it comes to “burn-out” there is a lot to say. This book is nonfiction about the science behind stress, what it is and how we deal (or don’t deal) with it effectively. Between the science and the practical applications, it’s incredibly informative.

Read it here.