World Health Day 2022
Our planet, our health
Why is World Health Day so important?
Each year on the 7th of April we recognise World Health Day, this is important, because health is our most basic human right and one of the most important indicators of sustainable development.
Healthcare for children in South Africa
The South African government specified children’s rights in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights in Section 28: “every child has the right to basic nutrition, health care and social services, as well as the right to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.”
Despite these promises, children of different backgrounds in South Africa are born into very unequal opportunities; some affected by poverty and poor health.
Early childhood diseases are preventable
Childhood diseases, such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, HIV, and tuberculosis are preventable.
Children’s mental health in South Africa
Unfortunately, children’s mental health in South Africa can be strengthened, as there is limited capacity to take on children’s mental health needs. Here are some tips that can help parents, caregivers, and communities to take proactive steps towards caring for children’s mental wellbeing:
- Start discussions
- Establish routines
- Create distractions
- Educate them with accurate information
- Allow them to show emotions
- Give them a sense of responsibility
- Encourage them to be physically active
- Explore creative outlets
- Teach the value of building healthy relationships
For children, the right to health is vital because they are vulnerable beings, more at risk to illness and health complications. Here are some of the most important parts of a child’s health:
- Cognitive development – Cognitive development provides children with the means of paying attention to thinking about the world around them.
- Social growth – This development influences a child’s self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and partnerships, and a sense of importance and value to those around them.
- Mental health – Mental disorders among children are described as serious changes in the way children typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions.
“ is our most basic human right and one of the most important indicators of sustainable development.”
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