Human Rights Day 2022
Protecting the rights of our children
Children’s Rights are one of the most important focus areas identified by the South African Human Rights Commission.
Why should children know their rights?
Children should know what their rights and responsibilities are so that they can understand how they are protected. Children should learn their rights, so that they can stand up to injustices as they grow up.
Everyone is responsible for protecting our children
The truth of the matter is that child protection is everybody’s responsibility. It is our common responsibility as a community to protect children from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
We all want a South Africa that allows our children to thrive, learn and grow. The only way that we (families, communities, government, and non-governmental organisations) can achieve this, is by looking out for our children because they are one of the most vulnerable groups in society.
Children can also play an important role in protecting themselves from abuse and exploitation, in accordance with their evolving capacities. Child abuse can happen in any family and in any neighbourhood.
Community involvement in child protection is vital, even when adequate protection services and structures exist and are operating effectively. Adults and children in a community are best placed to identify local protection issues and to develop the most appropriate solutions in cooperation with service providers.
What are your rights as a child?
In South Africa, children’ are defined as anyone under the age of 18. These are some of your most important rights:
· You should be given a name when you are born, and you should be looked after and become part of a
· Slavery and forced labour are never allowed
· You have the right to basic nutrition, shelter, basic health care services and social services
· You should receive basic education
· You are not allowed to be put in jail, but if you are put in jail, it can only be for a short period of time,
and you are not allowed to be held with persons older than 18.
Education for children:
It is one of the most important rights for children to be able to receive a basic education, because:
· To be competent in basic literacy and numeracy improves a child’s quality of life
· Education is linked to all development goals, such as supporting gender empowerment, improving
child and maternal health, reducing hunger, fighting the spread of diseases and poverty, and
encouraging economic growth.
“The truth of the matter is that child protection is everybody’s responsibility.”
Women, children, and men should be able to live in peace, to live without fear and to have equal opportunities to thrive. If you feel that your Human Rights are being violated, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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