Exam Prep 2022

How to reduce stress and prepare for exams

Exams are generally seen as a stressful time, but our experience of “stress” is actually our body getting us ready to take on the challenge, and we are here to give you some tips on how to prepare for this “challenge”.

Get organised

Getting yourself organised so that you can study effectively is an important first step in study skills. Many learners overlook the obvious and attempt to ‘jump straight in’ to study without planning.

Study little and often

Learners who use effective study skills may feel their work and effort is more worthwhile. Ask yourself these questions: How many exams do I have to study for? What are the dates of these exams?

Find the right time and place

Learning to manage your time effectively is an important life skill. Every learner has different aspects of life to balance. To benefit from your studies, you will need to feel that you have some measure of control over your study time.

Take regular breaks

In addition to taking regular study breaks, what you do with each break can matter, too. It’s important to choose the right type of activity for your study break so that you can return refreshed.

Identify specific topics to study

Pay special attention to anything your educator seemed to stress in class. (This is where good notetaking comes in handy!) Another useful study technique is making flashcards that summarise some of the important facts.

Sleeping time is just as important

Evidence suggests that various sleep stages are involved in the consolidation of different types of memories and that being sleep deprived reduces a learner’s ability to learn.

Ask for help

Whilst there may be a misconception that asking for help is a sign of weakness, it is often rather the hallmark of a mature and resilient learner. Educators can create an environment where learners feel confident to do so.

Be prepared

If learners have access to study guides, they can really help to provide a means for learners to not just memorise the material but to critically think about the main terms and concepts.

Do not always do the same things

We all have different learning styles. That means that you will find certain ways of learning easier. The most effective learners, however, understand that variety is the spice of life.


All the best for your exams! Remember, you are not going to be able to study effectively if you don’t look after yourself. We are here for you.

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