Finding Your Balance In 2023

Finding Your Balance In 2023

The Festive Season is over and our focus for January 2023 is finding your balance. Let’s start this year by maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, starting with our finances in January!

What is a balanced Lifestyle?

According to the World Health Organisation, a healthy lifestyle is a ‘state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.’ This includes maintaining optimal physical, emotional, and financial health.

Why is a Balanced Lifestyle Important?

Without a balanced lifestyle, you might struggle to feel your best both physically and mentally. For example, financial worries can impact your mood and result in relationships.

How can you live a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle?

1. Maintain a healthy diet. 2. Schedule time for exercise 3. Get enough hours of sleep. 4. Increase your water intake. 5. Spend time with friends and family. 6. Make time for yourself. 7. Spend your money wisely. 8. Try to save for a rainy day.

What is Financial Wellbeing?

Financial wellbeing is about feeling secure and in control. It’s about making the most of your money from day to day, dealing with the unexpected, and being on track for a healthy financial future. In short: financially resilient, confident and empowered people who experience financial wellbeing are less stressed about money. This, in turn, has positive effects on their overall mental and physical health, and on their relationships.

How to improve your Financial Wellbeing

There are multiple aspects to financial wellbeing. We break down financial wellness into five key areas: 1. Gain meaningful financial education. 2. Focus on saving. 3. Use credit wisely. 4. Seek professional, financial advice. 5. Plan for the future.

Let’s start off 2023 with intention of overall wellbeing! Share your thoughts with us.