Are you still emotionally healthy?

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Emotional Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in myriad ways. During this time, you may be experiencing a range of emotions, such as feeling anxious, sad, depressed, angry, or lonely.  For most of the population, coping at this time is extremely stressful as we adjust to staying home and distancing ourselves from others.

Acknowledge that we are in a different time. Doing so helps to manage our expectations of ourselves and others. It has become increasingly important for us to look after our Mental and Emotional health during these challenging times.

What is emotional wellness?

Emotional wellness is the ability to produce positive emotions, moods, thoughts, and feelings, and adapt when confronted with adversity and stressful situations.

One of its foundations is resilience, which allows you to navigate challenging life events. Think of resilience like a muscle. It flexes and develops the more you use it. Resilience impacts how you face challenges and how you think about the challenges you face.

Emotional health is an important part of holistic wellness, as it can impact your outlook on life, your relationships, and your health.

Taking care of your emotional health matters. When you’re emotionally healthy you manage the various elements of your life and work with a range of emotions, without losing control.

We’re all more aware of it right now, coming off a year that triggered intense emotions for many people.

Life presents events that challenge you, but when you know how to face these obstacles with a resilient mindset, your confidence in your ability to get through any circumstance is strengthened.


Mental Health

Many people confuse emotional and mental health.  Mental health is influenced by many factors including biological, psychological, social, and environmental ones. This includes things like:

  • living conditions

  • discrimination & violence

  • education 

  • community connectedness

  • social acceptance and participation

  • access to economic resources 

The components of emotional health are also contributors to mental health. These are individual factors involved in emotional regulation, such as the ability to cope with stressors as well as communication and social skills needed to maintain connection with others.


10 Ways to boost your emotional health

These strategies will help you stay resilient through everyday stresses and when larger personal issues arise.

  1. Grow your circle of friends to expand your support system

  2. Learn to lessen the fear of the unknown

  3. Get moving to improve mood and lessen anxiety

  4. Develop a passion by investing time in a new hobby

  5. Eat and drink healthfully and in moderation

  6. Meditate or exercise to relieve stress

  7. Manage your time by setting weekly goals

  8. Get enough sleep to maintain energy and increase productivity

  9. Learn to say no and refrain from overextending yourself

  10. Consider professional counselling


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