Teaching children how to build healthy relationships 2022

Teaching children how to build healthy relationships

There is something inherently positive about teaching children not only how to build emotionally healthy relationships, but also why it is important to surround yourself with positive everyday relationships. Below follows some tips and guidance on how children and young people can be better equipped in making sure that they are being respected, valued, supported, and encouraged.

The earlier, the better

Teaching children from a young age about the value of healthy relationships, would be beneficial and help to develop their social skills, as well as encourage them to form and recognise healthy bonds with their peers and adults.

Spend quality time with children

For children to grasp the concept of what a healthy bond possibly can look like, take the time to build on your relationship with your child by participating in fun, educational activities, to teach the child how they can connect with others in a positive manner.

Teach children what is wrong and what is right

Being able to clearly distinguish between good and bad, will not only help to protect children from harmful situations, but will also help to build confidence within the child and make them feel more comfortable to stand up for themselves, whether it be from peer pressure or pressure from adults.

Encourage children to partake in teamwork

Whether it be for sport, a school project or a birthday party, teaching children the lesson that two is better than one, will help them to appreciate not only the contribution from others, but teach them about respecting others’ opinions as well.

 Your opinion matters

Learning to form constructive, rational opinions, is a lesson that children should become more aware of. It will teach children about self-reflection, using logic and critical thinking to solve problems they might face in their relationships.

Set up healthy boundaries

Boundaries will teach children what a safe space looks and feels like. Learning children about healthy boundaries with others will help children to become more aware of their emotions and to speak up when they feel uncomfortable.


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