Celebrate Our Diversity! 2021

Cultural diversity is synonymous with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined by the Encyclopaedia Britannica as, “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture.” 

The importance of cultural diversity can be interpreted on the basis of these related actions:

  • Recognizing that there are many cultures that exist

  • Respecting each other’s differences

  • Acknowledging that all cultural expressions are valid

  • Valuing what cultures must bring to the table

  • Empowering diverse groups to contribute

  • Celebrating differences, not just tolerating them


South Africa: The Rainbow Nation

In South Africa, there is no single heritage or culture, and it is very difficult to define the “South African People” based on a set of distinct characteristics or identities.  The cultures, languages and ethnic origins of South African people are exceptionally diverse and dynamic. This is what makes South Africa such an interesting and unique place.

South Africa has been famously referred to as the rainbow nation because it is made up of so many diverse cultures and religions. All are united by calling South Africa home, and therefore their lives all contribute to the country’s heritage, identity and culture. Understanding that South Africa is composed of all these various influences is essential in understanding the country.

Some defining South African cultural characteristics

Although it is difficult to define one South African culture in particular, there are certain characteristics that could be considered to be representative of the South African People.

South Africans are kind, friendly and hospitable. Many foreigners who visit South Africa are impressed by the friendliness of the locals. People will often greet you on the street with a smile and go out of their way to help you if you need assistance. People are generally open to conversation and have a great sense of humour. The tendency for people to take time to greet and engage with one another is a very defining South African characteristic.

South Africans are proud of their country. The South African culture ensures that, no matter what a person’s cultural heritage, they are, at heart, proudly South African.


South Africans are full of spirit. Due to its turbulent past, South Africa as a nation has endured a lot. Although the country is still mired with challenges, its people are hopeful and optimistic about the future. South Africans have immense strength and resilience.