16 Days of Activism 2020

16 Days Of Activism Scan me Option 2020.jpg

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign is a United Nations campaign which takes place annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

Given the scourge of Gender-Based violence in the country, which is declared a national address, government is implementing the Emergency Response Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, which was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in September 2019.

The 16 Days Campaign forms the centre point of government’s comprehensive 365 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. 

Be an activist against GBV in your home, community, work, and social life

Challenge cultures and practices that perpetuate gender inequalities and consequent abuse of women and children.

Play your part

  • Reject and report abuse - Act and do not look away!

  • Do not protect abusers, they need help to stop the cycle of abuse

  • Sign the Pledge Against Gender-Based Violence.

  • Do not engage in abusive activities and become an abuser, ask for help

  • Challenge and denounce cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequalities

  • Be sensitive and supportive to GBV victims - share helpful information and support causes near you

  • Seek professional help to change harmful behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse

  • Teach children values of gender equality

  • Protect children from exposure to violence and harmful content on internet and social media, including pornography, sexual solicitation

  • Develop policies that prevent and deal with gender-based violence in your sector, workplace, and community

  • Organise targeted community outreach and dialogues on solutions towards a gender equal society

Year-long activism

While the campaign runs only for 16 days each year, its objectives are reinforced by a year-long programme and a national plan to combat abuse.

South Africa is still home to high levels of violence against its women and children, despite a world-renowned Constitution and a legislative overhaul that safeguards women’s and children’s rights.

The government, business, civil society organisations, faith-based organisations and the media are all participating in the drive to increase awareness of the negative impact of violence and abuse on women and children.

The campaign also aims to:

  • Challenge the perpetrators of violence to change their behaviour

  • Involve men in helping to eradicate violence

  • Provide survivors with information on services and organisations that can help lessen the impact of violence on their lives

Together, let us take actions to support the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign.

We are here for you

For Professional Confidential Counselling contact us on

Gauteng & Other regions:      0861 776 227                       admin@procare.co.za

Western Cape:                         021- 8 730 532                     procwc@procare.co.za

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